Visura delle iscrizioni presenti nell'Anagrafe delle sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato

aggiornamento: 1 agosto 2018

Practical information - Statement [visura] of the Data in the Index of Administrative Sanctions inflicted for Criminal Offences

Article 33 of the Decree of the President of the Republic [D.P.R.] of 14 November 2002, no. 313 - Consolidation Law on the Judicial Records Register [Testo Unico sul Casellario] introduced the possibility for an entity to access all the data concerning them, - including data not disclosed in the Certificate from the Index of Administrative Sanctions for Criminal Offences provided for by Article 31 of that Decree - registered in the Anagrafe delle sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato [Index of administrative sanctions inflicted for criminal offences], i.e. to obtain a Visura delle iscrizioni presenti nell’Anagrafe delle sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato [Statement of the Data in the Index of Administrative Sanctions inflicted for Criminal Offences]

However, the visura [statement] does not amount to a certificate and therefore cannot be used for administrative purposes. Nevertheless it enables the entity concerned to check the data concerning it that are registered in the Index, and if necessary to get any incorrect data corrected.

The application for a Statement of the Data in the Index must be submitted to any Procura della Repubblica [Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic] throughout Italy, using the relevant form.

The person concerned may submit the request either in person or by post. In the latter case they shall enclose a copy of their valid identity document.

The application may be submitted even by a person different from the entity’s legal representative, provided they have been duly appointed as proxy to this end. If the proxy is also delegated to collect the visura, this must be specifically indicated in the proxy appointment form. A photocopy of a valid identity document of the legal representative appointing the proxy is to be enclosed to the proxy appointment form.

It is not necessary to give any reason for the request and the Statement is issued free from payment of any duty or fee.

last update: 01/08/2018



A Statement of the data in the Anagrafe delle sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato [Index of administrative sanctions inflicted for criminal offences] can be requested from any Procura della Repubblica [Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic] throughout Italy.

Please note that the opening hours of the offices may vary between them, so it is advisable to check them directly with the Offices concerned.



The forms below are to be used in any Procura della Repubblica throughout Italy:

  • Application by the entity concerned for a certificate or statement of the data registered into the index of administrative sanctions - FORM 4
  • Appointment of a proxy to request a certificate or statement from the judicial records register - FORM 5