update: May 4, 2015

versione italiana

Pro Ana (deviant behaviour!)

Origin: Etymology comes from pro- and ano(rexi)a.

Word which depicts people or things glorifying anorexia.
Especially websites, blogs, communities which also give advice on how to become anorexic (source: www.garzantilinguistica.it).


socio-legal aspects

Deviant behaviour which may be subject to prosecution by the Juvenile Prosecutor, with the authorisation of the Juvenile Court, accordingly to artt. 25 “Statute Law applicable to children of irregular conduct or character” - R.D.L. n. 1404 del 1934 (Article amended by Law n. 888 del 1956) and/or of a civil litigation ex artt. 330 c.c. “Extinction of parental responsibility” and 333 c.c. “Harmful parental behaviour”.

A recent proposal of the Parliament aims to introduce criminal responsibility for the author of the website\blog available online.