update: May 5, 2015

versione italiana

PUP (potentially unwanted program) (deviant behaviour!)

A potentially unwanted program which might be unintentionally downloaded with other software (fonte: www.pcrisk.it). It is injected into the installation package of said other software, but it is not required for its functioning. It is not malware, created to harm the computer or steal personal data, but it is only aimed to install, without consent, other programs - such as “adware” or “toolbar” (fonte: www.ilsoftware.it).


socio-legal aspects

Deviant behaviour fuelled by the desire to earn an illicit profit by increasing website traffic.

This conduct becomes criminal if the website gains an unfair profit from the increased traffic, art. 640 c.p. (fraud).

It is necessary to specify that rarely children perpetrate this behaviour.


legal aspects

This conduct might cause a breach of Italian Statutory Law, and specifically integrate the requirements of the following criminal cases:

Art. 640 c.p. Fraud: “Chiunque, con artifizi o raggiri, inducendo taluno in errore, procura a sé o ad altri un ingiusto profitto con altrui danno, è punito con la reclusione da sei mesi a tre anni and con la multa da € 51 a € 1.032. …”.