update: May 4, 2015

versione italiana

Driving selfie (deviant behaviour!)

Self-Portrait taken while driving.


socio-legal aspects

Deviant behaviour which can cause an administrative fine:

  • art. 173 paragraph II of the Traffic Code.


legal aspects

The aforementioned conduct might cause a breach of Italian Statutory Law. Specifically, the requirements of the following criminal cases might be satisfied:

Art. 173, paragraph II, C.d.S. Improper use of equipment while driving: ”È vietato al conducente di far uso durante la marcia di apparecchi radiotelefonici ovvero di usare cuffie sonore, fatta eccezione per i conducenti dei veicoli delle Forze armate and dei Corpi di cui all'articolo 138, paragraph 11, and di polizia, nonché per i conducenti dei veicoli adibiti ai servizi delle strade, delle autostrade ed al trasporto di persone in conto terzi. È consentito l'uso di apparecchi a viva voce o dotati di auricolare, purché il conducente abbia adeguate capacità uditive da entrambe le orecchie, che non richiedono per il loro funzionamento l'uso delle mani….”.


additional information

The Selfie is a self-portrait picture taken through a smartphone or a tablet (source: www.oxforddictionaries.com). The difference with a simple self-portrait lies in the sharing of the selfie online, in order to obtain a high number of "like" or comments.

There are many types of selfie online:

  • Belfie: picture of one's own back
  • Cock in a Sock: picture of one's own penis covered by a sock
  • Driving selfie: picture taken while driving
  • Funeral selfie: self-portrait taken during a funeral
  • Gelfie: picture taken during sporty activity
  • Lelfie: picture of one's own legs
  • Nelfie: picture taken of one's own fingernails
  • Owling: self-portrait taken while being "owlish", crouched in unusual or dangerous places (balconies, cliffs, fences etc.)
  • Selfeet: picture of one's own feet
  • Underboob: picture of one's own breasts.