update: May 4, 2015

versione italiana

Clickjacking (deviant behaviour!)

Fraudulent technique which manipulates users via hyperlinks which redirect to objects other than the one actually clicked.


socio-legal aspects

Deviant behaviour caused by economical interest: increasing traffic for a specific website.

The behaviour becomes criminal if the target websites obtains an economic profit from the increased traffic:

  • art. 640 c.p. (fraud).

It is necessary to specify that rarely children perpetrate this behaviour.


legal aspects

The aforementioned conduct might cause a breach of Italian Statutory Law. Specifically, the requirements of the following criminal cases might be satisfied:

Art. 640 c.p. Fraud: “Chiunque, con artifizi o raggiri, inducendo taluno in errore, procura a sé o ad altri un ingiusto profitto con altrui danno, è punito con la reclusione da sei mesi a tre anni and con la multa da cinquantuno euro a milletrentadue euro …”.


see also
