“The Dialogue between General Prosecutors in Europe: Justice Bodies, Promoters of Human Rights”

aggiornamento: 23 maggio 2011

Rome, 26th-28th May 2011
Palazzo di Giustizia


The Network of the General Prosecutors at the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union will held in Rome an international conference, whose title is “The Dialogue between General Prosecutors in Europe: Justice Bodies, Promoters of Human Rights”, under the presidency of the General Prosecutor at the Italian Supreme Court. A session of the Network members ­ – representing the 4th  Plenary Meeting after the  meetings in Paris, Prague and Madrid – will follow the public conference.

Some institutional representatives, public prosecutors and scholars of different European countries will compare their different experiences with a view to a “united in diversity” perspective, which is a characteristic trait of the process of European unity.

Besides the Program of the works, on the occasion of the Conference, the Network of the European General Prosecutors publishes a collection of statutory and case law texts and an information page on the General Prosecution Office at the Supreme Judicial Court.